Saturday, May 31, 2014

Friday 5/30 Quality but not quantity

We had very nice turnout of people on the morning trip and knew it would be a tough job having everyone catch fish but at least we got some nicer size fish. Here are some examples: Warren White 7.5 lbs, Tim Gibney 7 lb, Vince Policano 5 lb 9oz, Mike Megliocco 5.5 lbs, Joe Zisa 5 lb, and Hank Stock 4 lb 10 oz. On the afternoon trip we did better than we have been doing catching about half as many fish as the morning with 1/3 as many anglers. Ralph Giannella took the pool with one at 5.5 lbs. Here are some pics. and just a reminder we are running our $20 season pool, see a mate for details.

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